After achieving several distinctions for piano
and chamber music Anne Warthmann began to
study vocal technique and singing repertoire.
The discovery of lyrical art and choral music
profoundly changed her appreciation of music,
leading her to persue both piano and vocal studies
alongside further educational and cultural training.
Holder of state diplomas in voice and piano,
she directed her career towards teaching and
pedagogy. Her love for stage work and opera has
also led to performances in numerous productions
– in musical settings under François-Xavier
Roth and Nicolas Chalvin, as well as staged
productions by Alain Garichot, Yannis Kokkos
and Daniel Slater. A frequent performaner across
a range of repertoire, she can often be heard in
performances of romantic opera, German lied,
French melody and contemporary compositions.
She currently teaches singing at the Conservatoire
à Rayonnement Régional de Caen, is regularly
scheduled in the musical season of the Caen
orchestra and participates as guest soloist in
various musical productions in France and abroad.